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  • Worked for 7 years in Supply Chain as Product and Quality Manager
  • Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering - Polytechnic School, University of Orleans, France - 2012
  • Student Exchange (1 year) at Dundee University, UK – 2009-2010


「Prepare for the worst, hope for the best!」


After graduating, I came to Hong Kong to discover a new country, a new work environment and a new culture.  I worked in supply chain for 7 years.  That included long working hours with little reward and slowly I grew the feeling that my life was not meaningful and was not getting much out of my job.  I then thought what could I change and what goal could I set to myself?  That’s when a friend of mine suggested me to switch to the insurance industry.


Officially, there are about 14,000 French people living in Hong Kong.  Unofficially, that number is more in the range of 20,000 to 25,000.  And my experience as an active member of that community is that most of them find it difficult to understand and have access to the local customs and traditions because of the large differences between both our cultures.  As a few examples, it can be felt in the way we eat, the work pace and environment or in how we prepare our future and insure ourselves. 


For decades, the French society has been very protective towards its citizens with social benefit rarely seen in other countries.  Most employees have a very safe employment contract with little risk of salary loss in case of critical illness.  Unemployment pension makes it easier to foresee the future in the unfortunate event of loosing our job.  Retirement pension with monthly income ease the burden of preparing to live for year out of savings.  Those are only a few examples among the numerous social advantages the population could enjoy by living in France.  With that vision, which is opposite to the Hong Kong liberal system, most French people do not understand how to prepare a safe journey throughout their life for their family and themselves here in Hong Kong.  Insurance is one of the best ways to do that and so here was my newly found goal: to help my fellow French citizen to have safer, easier, unburdened life journey. 


AIA being the largest insurance company in Hong Kong and Asia, with a reputable image, what better place is there to be able to achieve that goal?


The past result of the company, even during tough times like the 2008 crisis have given AIA a strong image as a reliable partner which is essential to build trust with the customers. 


With its record of excellent premier service and its preferred partners, Eternity is the ideal platform towards to thrive towards a better future.  With its more flexible, forward looking solutions which always place the customer at the center of it, Eternity and the Portfolio Management Family is the perfect place to achieve our goals!  United, we will succeed!

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